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Raspberry Limeade

Raspberry Limeade

Another sweet and refreshing drink, but this time made with fresh lime juice and raspberries.

Raspberry Limeade
Author: Renee Shelton
  • 2 cups fresh raspberries fully ripe
  • 3 1/2 cups water
  • 3/4 cup sugar or to taste
  • 1 cup fresh lime juice
  1. Place 1 cup raspberries with 1 cup of the water, and puree in a blender. Pass through a chinois set over a pitcher, pressing on the solids.
  2. Add the rest of the raspberries and water with the sugar and lime juice to the pureed mixture in the pitcher. Stir until the sugar is dissolved.
  3. Serve over ice, giving each glass some of the raspberries.
Recipe Notes

Adapted from Gourmet Magazine, July 1993


Tatsoi or Spinach Mustard

Tatsoi or Spinach Mustard

Pineapple and Mint Fresh Chutney

Pineapple and Mint Fresh Chutney

This chutney is uncooked, keeping it light and fresh.

Pineapple and Mint Fresh Chutney
Author: Renee Shelton
  • 1 1/2 cups loosely packed fresh mint leaves cleaned and dried, chopped fine
  • 1 whole pineapple about 4 1/2 pounds, peeled, cored, and cut into 1/4 to 1/3 inch dice
  • 1/3 cup minced red onion
  • 1/4 to 1/3 cup sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste
  1. Mix the mint, diced pineapple, onion, sugar, and salt to taste in a large mixing bowl. Stir until well combined. Cover, and let the chutney stand at room temperature for 1 hour.
  2. Serve.
Recipe Notes

If making ahead, store in refrigerator for 1 week, in a tightly covered container.

Adapted from Gourmet Magazine, Issue July 1992