Celebrate Cherry Popsicle Day with Cherry Lime Pops

Cherries are incredibly sweet, juicy, and high in Vitamin C. There are many different cherry varieties to choose from and they are a great stone fruit for cooking and for eating straight from the tree.

Once harvested, cherries are pretty easy to preserve by freezing or drying for later use. But, since it’s hot and you’re likely spotting them all over markets right now, why not try something cool and refreshing with them. And August 26th just happens to be National Cherry Popsicle Day, here’s a recipe from the University of Washington for their Whole U Program. Popsicles with cherries and lime juice and sweetened with honey.

Cherry Lime Popsicles
Author: Cultivate to Plate
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 2 cups whole ripe cherries
  • Limes for 1/3 cup juice
  1. Heat the honey and water in a saucepan over low heat until the honey is dissolved. Let cool.
  2. Pit the cherries and juice the limes. Blend in a food processor until the cherries are chopped. Add in the cooled honey water, and puree until smooth.
  3. Transfer into popsicle molds and freeze overnight.
  4. Serve.